
Hello, welcome to my website, which I made to share my pictures and also because I enjoy working on it.

Besides drawing, I like watching the sky, music, swimming, poetry, and the internet.

I am making fractals in Chaotica and my favorite painting software is MyPaint.

For traditional painting, I prefer gouache and anything I haven't tried yet. I also like drawing with fountain pens.





DeviantArt (fractals)


Traffic data from 1. November 2023 to 31. October 2024 collected using umami:
Statistics 1. November 2023 to 31. October 2024	 image 1
Browsers Visitors
Chrome 721 | 64%
Firefox 104 | 9%
Safari 72 | 6%
iOS 70 | 6%
Edge (Chromium) 52 | 5%
Operating systems Visitors
Windows 10 401 | 35%
Mac OS 243 | 21%
Android OS 206 | 18%
iOS 105 | 9%
Linux 92 | 8%
Countries Visitors
United States 419 | 37%
China 173 | 15%
Russia 97 | 9%
Czechia 44 | 4%
United Kingdom 39 | 3%

All time map of visitors. This year I got first visitors from Armenia, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Mongolia, Panama and Suriname.
Statistics 1. November 2023 to 31. October 2024	 image 3


I made my first website in the autumn of 2004, internet was a place of wonder for me then, where I could read and explore and talk with people who enjoy the same things. Much is changed, but I am still trying to remember that wonder and preserve something of that time.

blinking stars


- I am not very proud of my older pictures, yet here they are, to remember the beginning and see the journey.


- when was the last time you surfed the internet? Here is a collection of things that I find fun, interesting, or useful and maybe you will too. Some of that are personal websites of people presenting what they create or are interested in.

- did you notice those leaf-arrows under pictures? They are redrawings of the arrows I made for my first website. You can see the original below.

original leaf arrow