
Hello, welcome to my website, which I made to share my pictures and also because I enjoy working on it.
Besides drawing, I like watching the sky, music, swimming, poetry, and the internet.
I am making fractals in Chaotica and my favorite painting software is MyPaint.
For traditional painting, I prefer gouache and anything I haven't tried yet. I also like drawing with fountain pens.



deviantArt (fractals)
instagram (mostly traditional paintings and sketches)


Fractals were separated into their own section, since i made so many lately.
Kadmium hell
Kadmium hellMy collection of paints
MorsolPlay 5T version of morpion solitaire
RDLNImage redlining tool
XaovizDraw xaos flow diagram


Traffic data from 1. November 2022 to 31. October 2023 collected using umami:
Statistics 1 November 2022 to 31 October 2023 image 1
Countries Visitors
United States 38%
China 9%
Czechia 6%
Germany 5%
France 4%
Browsers Visitors
Chrome 65%
Firefox 13%
Edge (Chromium) 6%
Safari 6%
iOS 5%
Operating systems Visitors
Windows 10 33%
Mac OS 24%
Android OS 18%
Linux 15%
iOS 6%

All time map of visitors. This year i got first visitors from Kyrgyzstan, Laos, North Macedonia, Slovenia, South Africa and Sri Lanka.
Statistics 1 November 2022 to 31 October 2023 image 3


Dragons are one of my favorite subjects and so I participate in creative projects of czech dragon community draci.info. The most notable one is a wall calendar, which we make every year since 2009 by selecting the 13 best of competing illustrations made by members for this purpose.

The calendar and other products are available here.

My illustrations for the calendar from previous years
Verses for the calendar (Ĩesky)


I made my first website in the autumn of 2004, internet was a place of wonder for me then, where I could read and explore and talk with people who enjoy the same things. Much is changed, but I am still trying to remember that wonder and preserve something of that time.

blinking stars


- I am not very proud of my older pictures, yet here they are, to remember the beginning and see the journey.


- when was the last time you surfed the internet? Here is a collection of things that I find fun, interesting, or useful and maybe you will too. Some of that are personal websites of people presenting what they create or are interested in.

- did you notice those leaf-arrows under pictures? They are redrawings of the arrows I made for my first website. You can see the original below.

original leaf arrow